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Milk Creek Glacier

Milk Creek Glacier was a glacier on the west side of Mt. Jefferson. Depending on issue year, it has or has not been named on U.S.G.S. maps. Their latest iteration has an ice body in this location, but there is no ice there anymore, or snow in the late summer. In the late 1930s, Milk Creek Glacier was nearly gone and it likely regrew again in the post World War II era before disappearing again. 


Latitude: 44.675

Longitude: -121.806

Aspect: 269.7

Head (m asl) 1950s: 3090

Terminus (m asl) 1950s: 2510

Area (km^2) 1950s: 0.091

Head (m asl) 2020s: -

Terminus (m asl) 2020s: -

Area (km^2) 2020s: -

Status: gone, disappearing sometime in the last 70 years

Last observation: 2021

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