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Prouty Glacier

Prouty is a large, by area, glacier on the east side of South Sister. While it is still an active glacier, it has lacked an accumulation zone in 2020 and 2021. If this continues, Prouty will thin to the point of stagnation and cease to be a glacier in the near future. Due to the heavy debris fall on the glacier that has accompanied the lack of snow, it is likely that stagnant ice will persist on the landscape long after Prouty ceases to flow and constitute a glacier. 


Latitude: 44.107

Longitude: -121.759

Aspect: 44.0

Head (m asl) 1950s: 2900

Terminus (m asl) 1950s: 2390

Area (km^2) 1950s: 1.184

Head (m asl) 2020s: 2920

Terminus (m asl) 2020s: 2580

Area (km^2) 2020s: 0.473

Status: active

Last observation: 2021


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