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Crook Glacier

Crook Glacier is a very small glacier on the south side of Broken Top. It resides in a very deep cirque and receives large amounts of accumulation from avalanches. It is this shaded setting with additional avalanched snow that allows the glacier to persist as the southernmost glacier in Oregon. That said, it lacked an accumulation zone in 2021. If such phenomena persist into the future, then Crook Glacier will thin and stagnate. 


Latitude: 44.079

Longitude: -121.698

Aspect: 160.4

Head (m asl) 1950s: 2690

Terminus (m asl) 1950s: 2430

Area (km^2) 1950s: 0.159

Head (m asl) 2020s: 2610

Terminus (m asl) 2020s: 2480

Area (km^2) 2020s: 0.033

Status: active

Last observation: 2021


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