We need your pics.

Photographs of glaciers are a nearly priceless archive of past glacier change. Where was the ice in the past? How much has it retreated? Did it grow at some point? What was its maximum extent?
Such questions can be answered via your archived photographs. And we request these photographs.
We are looking for photographs you may have of Oregon glaciers that predate 2010. Ideally, these photographs would be from the summer to fall and hopefully late summer to mid fall (August to October). These photographs will help the Oregon Glaciers Institute reconstruct glacier change over the last century. From these data, models can be constructed to forecast glacier viability in the face of global warming.
We are interested in photographs from Mt. Hood, Mt. Jefferson, Three Fingered Jack, the Three Sisters region, Broken Top as well as from Eagle Cap in the Wallowa Wilderness.
More information on the target glaciers and their locations is outlined in the PDF available HERE.
The preferred file format is a .jpg (or .jpeg), whether from a digital camera or scanned film or slides; other formats will still be much appreciated. If you have physical photographs but no means of scanning them, please contact us to determine how to proceed with converting the photograph to digital. Along with the file, please include the location from which the picture was taken (preferably latitude and longitude), which glacier is in the picture, and date of the photograph. Please submit photographs to orglaciersinst@gmail.com